Coordination Hub Research Brief: Collaborative Change Strategies in the NSF INCLUDES National Network 

This brief identifies and articulates the features of common network and partnership approaches used by projects throughout the NSF INCLUDES Network and aligns these features with the NSF INCLUDES’ five design elements of collaborative infrastructure outlined below (NSF, 2020; 2018):

  • Shared Vision: Creating a common understanding, agenda, and future in addressing the challenges of broadening participation.
  • Partnership: Forming relationships with one another and with new organizations through connections made at PI meetings, NSF INCLUDES-
    sponsored conferences, and beyond.
  • Goals and Metrics: Allowing for robust data that facilitate evidence-based decision making.
  • Leadership and Communication: Building capacity for leadership and communication among organizations and individuals to create opportunities in STEM education and careers.
  • Expansion, Sustainability, and Scale: Collaborative infrastructure leads to increases in partners, connections, and collaborations.

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