NSF INCLUDES’ Shared Measures Platform Showcases New Data on Participation, Partners, and the Growth and Health of the National Network

NSF INCLUDES’ Shared Measures platform tracks data collected by the Coordination Hub. Data are provided by projects funded or co-funded by NSF INCLUDES and by Network members generally.

Recently, the Coordination Hub’s Shared Measures team updated several data areas on the website that provide helpful insights into the work of the INCLUDES Alliances and other Network members to broaden participation in STEM education and careers.

  • Visit the Program Participation page to see an updated list of projects funded or co-funded by NSF INCLUDES contributing data to the shared measures platform.
  • Visit the Students and Educators tab on the same page to see annual data on the number and demographic characteristics of the students and educators engaged by NSF INCLUDES-funded projects. (Quick tip: You may want to click the box labeled Exclude: not collected by project).
  • The Partners page has been updated to the reflect the full range of partners engaged by Alliances and other projects funded or co-funded by NSF INCLUDES—including institutions of higher education, community-based organizations, federal agencies or labs, and private industry. Scroll down to see an interactive map of partners across the country and to identify partners that may be working in your region and eager to collaborate!
  • The Collaborative Infrastructure page has been updated to show the results of an annual survey of NSF INCLUDES Alliances and Planning Grants’ progress on developing the five elements of collaborative infrastructure, a hallmark of the NSF INCLUDES initiative. The data are stratified by cohort, reflecting the relationship between project maturity and the development of the elements: a shared vision, partnerships, goals and metrics, leadership and communication, and expansion, sustainability, and scale.
A map of the United States with flags indicating Alliance projects

The Shared Measures platform also includes information from the NSF INCLUDES Network Member Survey (for both 2021 and 2022), which looks at the number and diversity of the Network members and their progress toward building effective collaborative infrastructure in their own work and in partnership with the entire Network. The survey also measures the overall health and growth of the Network, tracking Network structure and identity indicators.

We hope this new data will be helpful to members of the NSF INCLUDES National Network. Look for updates to other data areas and new features soon. Share your questions or suggestions below, or let us know how you are using the Hub’s Shared Measures in your work! Visit the Coordination Hub’s discussion boards to join the conversation.

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