HBCUs and the STEM Ecosystem

As we continue our series of blog posts exploring how institutions influence changes in systems that create more equitable outcomes for students and learners from minoritized populations, including Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), we are celebrating Black History Month and highlighting the many NSF INCLUDES member projects led by or partnering with Historically Black Colleges and Universities.  

HBCUs have been vital to the American story for over 180 years. The oldest HBCUs were established after the Civil War, and in 1965 Congress officially defined them as schools of higher learning accredited and established before 1964, and “whose principal mission was, and is, the education of Black Americans.” In addition to graduating some of America’s most prominent leaders, including Vice President Kamala Harris, HBCUs have been integral to broadening participation in the STEM ecosystem. Today, 25% of Black graduates with STEM degrees come from HBCUs and they are the institution of origin among nearly 30% of Black graduates of science and engineering doctorate programs. 

The following is a list of former and current NSF INCLUDES-funded projects led by or partnering with Historically Black Colleges and Universities. You can connect directly to the individuals involved in these projects by logging into the INCLUDES online community and searching the directory or joining discussion posts like this: Network Spotlight: Projects Working with HBCUs.  

NSF INCLUDES Planning Grant: Developing a Collaborative Infrastructure for Educating STEM Undergraduate Students who are Neurodiverse Learners 

NSF INCLUDES Planning Grant: Increasing the Representation of Minorities in Engineering (IRME) 

NSF INCLUDES – Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) Planning Grant: HBCU Business and STEM Innovation Network 

NSF INCLUDES Planning Grant: An NSF CREST Centers Collaboration to Advance Minority Undergraduate Student Researchers in STEM 

NSF INCLUDES Alliance: Supporting Emerging Aquatic Scientists (SEAS) Islands Alliance 

GP-IMPACT: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Student Experiences Aboard Ships (STEMSEAS) 

Collaborative Research: The AGEP Engineering Alliance: A Model to Advance Historically Underrepresented Minority Postdoctoral Scholars and Early Career Faculty in Engineerin

Collaborative Research: Florida-Caribbean Louis Stokes Regional Center of Excellence 

STEM Equity Achievement (SEA Change) 

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