From Me to We: Building the NSF INCLUDES National Network

By Kea Anderson and Jenna Rush

As a member of the NSF INCLUDES National Network, you are doing amazing work. How can the Network help you reap the benefits of doing that work together? In other words, how can the Network’s individual Power Rangers achieve Megazord-scale impacts?

In communication with a number of you—at the NSF INCLUDES National Convening and in other conversations—the Coordination Hub has heard these and related questions. Not necessarily the Megazord references, but you get the idea: how do we go From Me to We

To begin to answer these questions, the Coordination Hub is inviting Network members to share their perspectives and experiences in a new blog series. Specifically, we’re asking folks to talk about a resource or connection made through the INCLUDES Network and describe how it benefits their work! We’d also love to hear about what attracted you to join the Network?

The goal of the series is to highlight tactics for leveraging the Network, while illustrating that the Network is composed of members’ own goals, needs, and expertise. Stay tuned for From Me to We posts in the coming weeks! And write us at if you’re interested in contributing!

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