Coordination Hub Blogs
Read and discuss important network news, updates, events, new projects and opportunities, resources, and much more in The NSF Eddie Bernice Johnson INCLUDES Coordination Hub Blog.
A New Impact-Focused Model
Broadening Participation, Collaborative Infrastructure, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Equitable Systems Change, Network Development, STEMThe NSF Eddie Bernice Johnson INCLUDES Coordination Hub is introducing a new structure that emphasizes impact and clusters projects based on the intensity of their focus on systems change and level of funding. To support and elevate systems change work,…
It’s a New Phase for the National Network
The INCLUDES Coordination Hub (Hub) partners — SRI, UC Berkeley’s College & Career Alliance Support Network, Quality Education for Minorities, and WestEd — are opening up new avenues of support for the National Network.
Understanding and Measuring Systems Change
In August, members of NSF’s Eddie Bernice Johnson INCLUDES National Network (National Network) met in Washington, DC, to share strategies for broadening participation in STEM and learn how our efforts are addressing systems change.
Introducing a New Vision
Broadening Participation, Collaborative Infrastructure, Communications, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Equitable Systems Change, Network Development, STEMNSF’s Eddie Bernice Johnson INCLUDES Coordination Hub (the Coordination Hub) is thrilled to announce that it will be supporting the INCLUDES National Network (National Network) for another five-year cycle.
NSF INCLUDES’ Shared Measures Platform Showcases New Data on Participation, Partners, and the Growth and Health of the National Network
Recently, the Coordination Hub’s Shared Measures team updated several data areas on the website that provide helpful insights into the work of the INCLUDES Alliances and other Network members to broaden participation in STEM education and careers.
Looking Back at 2021: A Year of Expanding and Deepening the NSF INCLUDES National Network
The NSF INCLUDES Coordination Hub is proud to support the 3000+ member strong NSF INCLUDES National Network community, which brings together the power of many to strengthen STEM equity, connecting individuals, alliances, pilot programs, federal agencies, educational institutions, and other…
NSF INCLUDES Launches New Initiative to Gather Data on Broadening Participation in STEM
NSF INCLUDES is launching a Shared Measures platform that will collect and present data documenting the national effort to broaden participation in STEM education and careers.
How the STEM PUSH Network Exemplifies a Network Improvement Community (NIC)
The NSF Coordination Hub recently featured two important resources: a research brief on Collaborative Change Models and a blog from the STEM PUSH Network (Pathways for Underrepresented Students to Higher Education Network). The two complement each other, with the brief…
Enduring Lessons about Effective Leadership and Communication
In the recent webinar, Leadership and Communication: Co-Creating Alignment and Awareness, NSF INCLUDES Network members shared strategies, resources, and tools related to effective leadership and communication.
Network Spotlight: CAHSI & SEAS Islands Alliances
In the recent webinar, Goals and Metrics: Gathering Evidence of Success, members of the NSF INCLUDES National Network shared the innovative ways they have engaged project stakeholders to think critically about what is needed to build a data system that…